Missing Instruments

• Jun 29, 2015 - 19:35
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

my musescore software was working fine until the last update. When I updated it, it deleted all of my instrument options besides marching percussion, and piccolo, treble flute, and "E". "E" appears to be a piano. Is there any way to undo the update or get my instrument selection back?

GIT commit: b25f81d


This type of support question is better asked in the forum. Had you tried customizing your instruments.xml file at some point? If so, make sure you didn't accidentally mess up your customized file. Otherwise, try a factory reset - see the Handbook under Revert to factory settings.

If you still have problems after the factory reset, please post screenshots of what you see when you go to Edit / Preferences / Score and also Edit / Instruments.

That sounds like a classic case of a damaged instruments.xml. First step, always, is to revert to factory settings —especially if you had any beta releases installed at any point in the past. If that doesn't fix it, could you attach your instruments.xml file? Its location depends on your operating system, but on Windows check in your Program Files directory; on OS X secondary-click on "MuseScore 2.app" and choose "Show Package Contents".