[Mac OS X] Change "delete measure" and "whole measure rest" shortcuts to use Delete (backspace) instead of Forward-Delete key

• Jul 1, 2015 - 18:02
S5 - Suggestion

Currently in MuseScore 2, the keyboard shortcut to delete measures, Command-Delete, does not work without the Function key added at the beginning, effectively changing the shortcut combination to Fn+Cmd+Del. Similarly, the shortcut to turn measures filled with rests into whole measure rests, Shift+Cmd+Del, has the same requirement, forcing an awkward four-key combination of Fn+Shift+Cmd+Del. If it is possible to get these shortcuts to work without the Function key, it should be done.


Only in Finder (analogous to File Explorer?), where they're "Move to Trash" and "Empty Trash" respectively. In other applications (including third-party applications), they usually do nothing (as in MuseScore currently), but I almost positive that I know some that (successfully) utilize Cmd+Delete themselves. If I can bring them to mind later, I'll mention them here.

Well, that's the weird thing—they are defined as Cmd+Del and Shift+Cmd+Del, which is part of what convinces me that that's what they should be. Nevertheless, they only work with Fn.

Title [Mac OS X] Enable "delete measure" and "change to whole measure rest" shortcuts without requring "Function" key [Mac OS X] Change "delete measure" and "whole measure rest" shortcuts to use Delete (backspace) instead of Forward-Delete key

*startle* I just tried manually defining the shortcuts, and figured it out. The default uses the forward delete key! And, on a Mac laptop, the way to access the forward-delete function is to add the Function key to the single Delete (backspace) key. That explains everything. I've changed the title of this request correspondingly.

Actually, I've found that I can't set Shift+Cmd+Delete as a shortcut, because apparently the Shift key can't be assigned as a modifier key. But I have Cmd-Delete working like a charm now.

Not sure what you mean "shift key can't be assigned as a modifier key" - d you mean you can't assign *any* combinations involving shift? That can't be right!

Attempting to enter Shift+Cmd+Delete, I just get Cmd+Delete. After that I tried something else with Shift, and it didn't work—but apparently that was just because I was no longer in the "New shortcut" field (which I only just figured out now. Visually it's impossible to tell—perhaps a new issue). I can assign Shift in other combinations—just not that one.

So I would propose to add "Ctrl + Backspace" and "Shift + Ctrl + Backspace" for everyone as an alternative shortcut for these actions. I will do that. Let's see how it goes.

Looking at the code—and I should be clear, I know nothing about code—it seems to me that MuseScore (or QT?) automatically converts any reference to the Control key into a reference to the Command key in the Mac version (which usually is the correct path to take). Does this explain #59986: [Mac] Ctrl+Tab to switch between scores does not work (one of the rare cases where the norms of the different operating systems agree to use the Control key)?

I second this inquiry. ;-)

Thanks for filing this issue, by the way. Looking forward to deleting bars more easily.