key armature

• Jul 7, 2015 - 21:15
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor
by design

Using last version 2.0.1
when i choose no key for a partition -saxophone alto in my case-, i obtain the following key : Fa#, Do# and Sol#
I have to "translate" the choice of the armature to obtain the correct armature for others choices of armature


When you add a key signature to a score, it affects *all* staves - saxophones as well as flutes and piano, etc. So the key you add needs to be transposed as opposed for each instruments, meaning you need to add the correct *concert* key. If you want a key of C major for alto saxohone, you need to add the key of Eb, because that is what works out to C major for saxophone. It will add Eb for flutes & piano, F for trumpets & clarinets, etc.