Regarding copyright for my totally original music that has nothing to do with Game of Thrones

• Sep 22, 2015 - 12:13
S5 - Suggestion

I noticed a while ago pieces with popular titles , funny titles , pop jargon titles received more interest so I used the title from the cable shoe Game of Thrones even thougfh I had neer heard or studied the music . I looked at some of the downloads on muse score and except for writing the piece in C Major I took nothing from the posted scores nor was I even aware of the actua music . When I finally did hear the score I didn't like the really too simple and for me unmemorable music . I made no changes to my score based on the one time hearing .I felt there was nothing of interest .I also felt i had been dishonest to draw attention to my work since it had nothing to do with the long winded theme and rather long lyrical but still forgettable melody.Was there even a melody .I couldnt remember anything from the one hearing. So - what should I do change the name of the title .I want to keep my post and anyone with an ear can tell my music has nothing to do with the score. I was trying to write film music and that was why I wrote so many different types and had so many " interesting titles . Please let me know what I need to do to keep my post public. It has gotten a lot of views but few comments but the attention was what I wanted . Thanks and again thankyou for making this resource possible - there is no greater thrill than hearing my music realized .

Sincerely John Martin
