Mishandling of repeats

• Nov 20, 2010 - 19:23

The attached file is All By Yourself In The Moonlight by Jay Wallis. Bar 12 contains a start repeat part-way through the bar. This construct could be avoided, but is valid.

MuseScore does not handle it correctly. The repeat barline has to be added separately for both the vocal line and the piano. These barlines are indicated in the .mscz file as


They are ignored on playback, leading to bizarre results. The play sequence is measure 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6... to the end, ignoring last repeat.

The file was created with on a Mac, OS X 10.6.5.

It has also been looked at on a trunk build 3702M. The file does not display correctly on this build. The begin repeat in bar 12 of the vocal line only is not displayed.

Attachment Size
All-By-Yourself.mscz 5.37 KB


Well there's a thing! You final comment made me check what I'd done. I was copying from a very old manuscript. I have copied it wrongly. The repeat shouldn't be mid-bar at all. There are double bar lines there, but the bar in the original is split across two pages at that point and that made me misread it. The original layout is also odd because the whole of the lower staff is on one page and only three beats of the two upper staves. The two upper staves finish on the second page.

Well spotted.

However, I agree with Leon Vinken that if MuseScore allows repeat bars to be placed in the middle of a bar, then surely it should respect them and play them correctly? David Bolton's suggestion that MS should create the irregular bars required automatically is fine as long as it is carried through and if the repeat is deleted, for example, MS would restore the irregular bars properly.

This (my) bug report should be closed though.