The trills playback has not been implemented for tabs

• Oct 10, 2015 - 18:47
S4 - Minor

MuseScore 2.0.2 / Windows 7

1) Choose "Guitar Tablature" template -> Finish
2) Enter some notes and add trills
3) Start playback

Result: nothing is heard about trills.

Comments: Just as keyboards eg, the plucked instruments (baroque lute, baroque guitar, and others, baroque mandolin, etc.) have used trills, of course. The only difference is that the scores were written in tablature in this baroque period.

The used symbols were diverse and different depending on the tablature (French vs. Italian) and composers (France, Spain, Italy, Germany mainly)
For instance, we can find:
Cruzes ('X'):
corbetta croix.jpg
Commas (,):
virgule de visée.jpg
Letters, the ('T'):
trille sanz.jpg
Anothers, like '%':
trille guérau.jpg

I hesitated to define this issue as a feature request or a bug.
But since this feature was implemented for standard staff, it looks rather as a bug, or at least and more likely like an oversight in the implementation of this feature due at the ignorance (you are forgiven!) of this repertoire. I guess.

For more complete references, see eg two publications:
- The guitar and its music, from the renaissance to the classical era/ James Tyler and Paul Sparks (Oxford Early music series)
- The early mandolin / James Tyler and Paul Sparks (Oxford Early music series)


Actually, it was implemented but then disabled because people complained. Since there are no key signatures or accidental, there is no way to figure out whether to use a half or whole steps, so the playback was worse than not having the ornament at all.

Some say we would need to add a way to control this.

"but then disabled." When, approximately? I doesn't remind this.
"because people complained." Ah, this, too, I have not seen and read! I'm surprised by this, (by myself!)
I'll do some research. Thanks.

The best way would probably be via an option in the Inspector, but it should be possible (maybe even is already possible) to set manual playback via an invisible standard notation staff, or via the pianoroll editor.

Status (old) active closed

"via an invisible standard notation staff"
Indeed, I had thought of that.
I have not found the thread where "people complained." Nevermind.
Issue closed.

Yes, I remember this issue of course. But as it was not a question specifically of "trills", and that the "people complained" were Jojo, Lasconic and yourself, I was a little away from the subject, and my research had frankly strayed ...!