Tempo, volume, synth.

• Feb 19, 2016 - 20:59
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

There is my video of the bug:

All my settings are flat after I restart MuseScore every time.
In contempt of saving of all settings in a files of synth and in a fires on the program.

Hope it would be fixed.

And one more thing.

After an installing of new packs of plugins (great sounding!) all old settings changing automatically.
This things have very hight cost to back again old settings and instruments.

I would prefer to select the change an old instruments to new.

Thank you very much for the program!

All other things are awsome!!! Thank you!

GIT commit: f51dc11


This is not a bug, it's a feature request. If I understand you correctly, you'd like the synthesizer settings saved and recalled automatically for each individual score. MuseScore *can* save and recall settings for each score, but right now (in v2.0.2) you must do this manually. Here's how:

Use the "Save to Score" and Load from Score" (or alternatively, "Set as Default") buttons as explained in the handbook here:

BTW., it's usually best to ask in the forum to get confirmation from other users before opening a bug report.

Status (old) active needs info

First: The Assigned field of the issue is meant to show the developer working on the issue. Please do not assign yourself if you're not going to fix it.

All settings from the Play panel are temporary by design. There is a feature request to make the default tempo of a score a user preference, but that is not part of the current version.

To set a Tempo for your score, add a Tempo marking on the first note of your score.

Volume settings from the Mixer are saved with your score, so changing those could help you out as well.

The Synthesizer settings can be 'Saved to score' as you even show in your video. All you have to do when reopening is clicking the 'Load from score' button right next to that save button…

Unfortunately I don't quite understand what your 'one more thing' issue is. Please provide precise steps/score to reproduce it with.

And finally: this kind of post would be better placed in the forum. If from the help/responses there it turns out you've actually hit a real bug/feature request, then an issue will may created for each bug/request separately.