Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Chord symbol playback doesn't follow swinged eights GitHub issue 3.5 16 9 months
Portamento Does Not Play GitHub issue 4.0 15 9 months
Violin Solo MuseSound playback is messed up needs info 4.0 22 9 months
Accordion notation issues needs info 3.6 7 9 months
Copyright from template overwritten by empty value in dialog GitHub issue 4 9 months
Images from templates should propagate to scores created from those templates GitHub issue 3.0 19 9 months
Add support for Jianpu numbered musical notation PR created 3.0 19 9 months
Palette options not displayed active 4.0 6 9 months
Title edit bug, crash when using return on non-ASCII letters GitHub issue 4.0 24 9 months
Scores corrupted beyond repair, containing nothing but zeros GitHub issue P1 - High 3.0 38 10 months
Save Online via command line GitHub issue 4.x-dev 13 10 months
Lock and password protect instrument visibility active 3.0 8 10 months
Custom time signatures in parts active 3.3 5 10 months
The loop playback doesn't play until the end of a measure of which the last "note/rest" is a rest GitHub issue 3.6 8 10 months
MuseScore does not support footnotes GitHub issue P2 - Medium 3.0 12 10 months
Shortcut "A" to insert an A doesn't work after customizing other shortcuts (MacOS) active 4.0 18 10 months
Using musescore 4 parallel to a daw with ASIO driver(Ableton, Cubase) active 4.0 6 10 months
Can not input underscore for lyrics melisma GitHub issue 4.0 8 10 months
[MusicXML] add i/o support for fermatas on barlines active 10 10 months
Loading a VST3 instrument into MuseScore 4.0.0 (release) crashes the application every time active 4.0 7 10 months
Add capability to center text in measure. active 3.6 21 10 months
Fingerboard Diagram Fingerings - add color and shape active 3.6 3 10 months
Muse Sounds Trombone dynamics too quiet active 4.0 9 10 months
L-shaped sign for hand distribution (piano) active 13 10 months
Delay on opening Format- Style Option GitHub issue 4.0 5 10 months