Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Sort descending Priority Version Replies Last updated
Capo Playback Bug GitHub issue 4.x-dev 4 1 year
Cannot adjust note velocity in Musescore 4 GitHub issue 4.0 9 1 year
Audio Output does not change when program is open GitHub issue 4.0 1 1 year
Metric modulations AKA relative tempos don't set tempo right GitHub issue P2 - Medium 3.0 14 4 months
Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts doesn't allow multi-key shortcuts. GitHub issue 4.0 3 1 year
You can't repeat a note if it's been tied MuseScore4 GitHub issue 4.0 12 1 year
Does not play hidden staffs (intentionally hidden via instruments) when playing the whole score GitHub issue 4.x-dev 3 1 year
Copyright from template overwritten by empty value in dialog GitHub issue 4 8 months
"Let Ring" does not work at all with the Muse Sounds - and does not sustain more than approx 1 second with the MS basic sounds GitHub issue 4.0 5 4 months
2 Bar Repeat doesn't work GitHub issue 4.0 4 1 year
[EPIC] Requires MAJOR version bump GitHub issue 3 7 months
Bends not functioning GitHub issue 4.0 14 9 months
Notes on piano not playing if they're already notated in another voice, when using MuseSounds. GitHub issue 4.0 6 1 year
No more IMAGE CAPTURE? GitHub issue 4.0 77 4 months
no UI option to reset shouldAskSaveLocationType, thus unable to save locally GitHub issue 4.0 7 1 year
Parts missing dynamics. In particular hairpins. GitHub issue 4.0 6 1 year
Allow look-ahead while panning vertically during playback GitHub issue P2 - Medium 3.6 18 2 months
Bring back JACK support for proper Linux Modularity GitHub issue 4.0 96 4 days
Repeat Last Two Bars playback is not working GitHub issue 4.0 3 1 year
Align object to a grid or ability to align object relative to other GitHub issue 16 1 year
Selecting the voice 2 notes via Ctrl+click no longer works GitHub issue 4.x-dev 5 1 year
Exporting multiple parts with dot in filename results in filename being cut at the dot GitHub issue 4.0 5 1 year
Add harmonic symbol for tablature: and harmonic notehead for staves GitHub issue 3.0 31 1 month
Caesura Playback Issue (in Muse4) GitHub issue 4.x-dev 24 5 months
Copy/Pasting lyrics inserts "<font" instead of copied lyrics from another note (and will not replace selected text) GitHub issue 4.0 4 1 year