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Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Staff properties play transposition does not work [DELETED] 5 6 11 years ago
Issue Up/down arrows should prefer diatonic note spellings Marc Sabatella 7 11 years ago
Issue Alterations not consistent tonyjustme 7 11 years ago
Forum topic More Play mode functions small tipi 1 11 years ago
Issue Note spacing when entering chords mortenpoulsen 14 11 years ago
Issue request Tab in chord entry mode to move to next beat Marc Sabatella 3 11 years ago
Issue Removing instrument with multiple tempo text on the same tick causes crash chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue Strange notes guide-bar(?) in play mode brocolring 2 11 years ago
Issue Part still visible if in view before deletion chen lung 2 11 years ago
Forum topic fout in notatie noot op rust kiekboelaars 3 11 years ago
Forum topic Can't drag a clef to beginning measure bandmagic 23 11 years ago
Forum topic MIDI Import: Control Change Volume not supported? enaef 11 11 years ago
Issue Pallete use causes crash rnehrig 3 11 years ago
Issue Grey out three options of Export layout if unticked chen lung 3 11 years ago
Forum topic notes disappearing Paul Daly 9 11 years ago
Forum topic Chromatic piece for keyboard normanhart 0 11 years ago
Issue [Capella import] Volta get lost Jojo-Schmitz 14 11 years ago
Issue Inconsistent proportions of elements in score with small staff chen lung 4 11 years ago
Forum topic dynamics, articulation confusing jpritikin 1 11 years ago
Issue Enabling Note Entry in drumset score causes crash chen lung 2 11 years ago
Forum topic External Midi Input & Output Won't Work... La Musique 4 11 years ago
Forum topic Print Part from mscz score Clarimus 2 11 years ago
Forum topic Prefence for xml default Clarimus 1 11 years ago
Forum topic a.Printing Parts from xml score - b.Printing from .mscz score Clarimus 4 11 years ago
Forum topic Midi File causes crash enaef 3 11 years ago