
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Deleting rest in voice 2 may result in offset rest in voice 1 with zero offset indicated by inspector SteveBlower 9 4 years ago
Forum topic Is there any way to delete a large section of measures mobbinsrobbins 13 4 years ago
Issue Eighths turning into sixteenths GreenGuy5294 5 4 years ago
Issue Adding or dragging spacers causes a full re-layout Howard-C 8 4 years ago
Issue "MuseScore 1.0 is released" page in English is missing Riaan van Niekerk 6 4 years ago
Forum topic change language h1460731025 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Musescore down? Rj2200o5 1 4 years ago
Forum topic How to change the font and make new lines of the copyright text? Howard-C 2 4 years ago
Issue Glissando across system is not drawn correctly when auto placement increases staff distances __Zwischen__ 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Out of range horn parts Splops 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Android 2.4.2 has a white blank thing in the middle of screen and cannot proceed? Howard-C 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Can cross-measure tie be applied and played? Howard-C 7 5 years ago
Forum topic Amplify the volume when two voices have a same note (for non-keyboard instruments) Howard-C 24 5 years ago
Issue Some rests in voice 1 don't get dragged down when rests in voice 2 are deleted Howard-C 22 5 years ago
Forum topic Several problems while building mscore Howard-C 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Tchaikovsky's Polonaise, with great playback! Howard-C 0 5 years ago
Issue Slur on grace note not disappearing after the grace note is deleted Howard-C 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Single note dynamics on custom soundfonts PTR225 2 5 years ago
Issue "Recently used" palette? Howard-C 3 5 years ago
Forum topic Right click a text enters edit mode Howard-C 17 5 years ago
Forum topic I fail to get a tam-tam sound fmiyara 29 5 years ago
Forum topic MAKE MORE CONCERT PERCUSSION SOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Music Is my Li… 6 5 years ago
Issue Some notes don't sound jlhueso 23 5 years ago
Forum topic Staccatos always have 0.10 time stretch and cannot be changed? Howard-C 11 5 years ago
Issue Cannot move tied note into another voice hjunes 32 5 years ago