
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Handbook Noteheads geetar 0 4 years ago
Handbook Noteheads geetar 0 4 years ago
Handbook Bends geetar 0 4 years ago
Handbook Articulations and ornaments geetar 0 4 years ago
Handbook Staff and system text geetar 0 4 years ago
Handbook Note input modes geetar 0 4 years ago
Issue Right-click on an object does not highlight the object before showing the context menu geetar 12 4 years ago
Issue Text remains on a line even when Begin/Continue/End check-boxes are unticked in the Inspector geetar 11 4 years ago
Issue Blank lines in frame text occupy less vertical space than other lines Howard-C 2 4 years ago
Issue A UI improvement for "Swing Settings" and "Capo Settings" geetar 9 4 years ago
Issue After double-clicking frame, can't edit text within frame geetar 2 4 years ago
Issue A UI improvement for "Capo Settings" geetar 6 4 years ago
Issue Double-clicking a score in Start Centre can open multiple scores shoogle 2 4 years ago
Issue File Saving Prompt Provides Insufficient Information When Working With Multiple Scores zian 2 4 years ago
Issue Deleting measures causes bad layout of slurs from grace notes geetar 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Swing Settings: a UI tweak geetar 6 4 years ago
Issue Slurs wrongly positioned in TAB when notes are set to "Above lines" geetar 6 4 years ago
Issue Freeze file name during use geetar 10 4 years ago
Issue Tied notes pasted in guitar + tab linked staves display as untied notes in tab mrmoonlight 2 4 years ago
Issue In Windows Explorer, files with special characters in filepath don't open when double-clicked emagnier 28 4 years ago
Issue Problem selecting and entering a whole note geetar 13 4 years ago
Issue Notes are slow to highlight when clicked-on geetar 6 4 years ago
Issue Stave properties: List box in wrong position? geetar 7 4 years ago
Issue Repeat measure signs: not vertically-centred in tablature geetar 8 4 years ago
Issue Courtesy time signature not removed when subsequent measures are deleted geetar 11 4 years ago