
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Certain 2.x frame texts imported with no style, resulting in wrong size etc. geetar 7 4 years ago
Issue Text formatting changes in text toolbar do not respond to UNDO geetar 4 4 years ago
Issue UNDO doesn't restore image's original size after checking "Scale to frame size" geetar 8 4 years ago
Issue Text objects: "Ctrl + space" character behaves differently to other characters geetar 3 4 years ago
Issue Lines: if a system break is applied, UNDO does not restore the lines correctly geetar 1 4 years ago
Issue Album segfault {2parts-excerpted}.append( {1part-notexcerpted} ); ericfontainejazz 19 4 years ago
Issue Remove selected range: Inconsistent behavior involving key signatures geetar 1 4 years ago
Issue [Feature Request] Include mixer changes in undo history HiddenIllusion 14 4 years ago
Issue Make "insert horizontal frame" behavior consistent between palette and menu/shortcut geetar 5 4 years ago
Issue Toggle visibility does not affect ties if region includes final bar line? geetar 2 4 years ago
Issue UNDO deletion of invisible notes causes beams to become visible geetar 3 4 years ago
Issue Lyrics: Copy/cut, paste then UNDO causes lyrics to disappear geetar 3 4 years ago
Issue Text-lines: Line thickness "Reset to style default" status depends on application method geetar 2 4 years ago
Issue User lines do not preserve correct appearance when saved to palette geetar 6 4 years ago
Issue Diagonal line: End hook can disappear or elongate when Begin hook is set to "None" geetar 5 4 years ago
Issue Layout problem with grace notes geetar 0 4 years ago
Issue Zita1 reverb: Display setting doesn't match the actual setting geetar 3 4 years ago
Issue Resize dialog box issue geetar 4 4 years ago
Issue Image imported into a frame is very small geetar 4 4 years ago
Issue Allow "staff distance" on first page to differ from subsequent pages. geetar 24 4 years ago
Issue Staff type change: some of property are ignored ciospe 10 4 years ago
Issue Slurs: manual adjustments lost when the score is reloaded geetar 3 4 years ago
Issue Slurs do not obey "Change voice" command geetar 3 4 years ago
Issue Unify text style offset with element style position above/below geetar 1 4 years ago
Issue Continuous view: white block appears when wallpaper changed from default to PNG image khalladay1 21 4 years ago