Marc Sabatella

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Repeat sign not working aaaravnarula 3 2 years ago
Forum topic Can I upload and/or update sheets in here with older versions of Musescore 3? Daniel Restrepo 3 9 2 years ago
Forum topic Audio Download joyglaus 1 2 years ago
Forum topic Transposing for Tuba ntog 14 2 years ago
Forum topic Crash When Adding New Staff rikiheck 6 2 years ago
Forum topic Adding new staves setdak 1 2 years ago
Forum topic Is there any way to keep the playing bars always at the TOP of the screen? carcamov 4 2 years ago
Forum topic Polychords - is there any interest? dave2020X 2 2 years ago
Forum topic How come you have to pay to use the MuseScore App whereas MusScore is gnu gpl ? anc2254 3 2 years ago
Forum topic Bossa Nova setting/plugin? alyssapusater 8 2 years ago
Forum topic Accordion (German?) left hand notation bmhm 12 2 years ago
Forum topic how to convert mpeg-4 to mp3? normanfields 6 2 years ago
Forum topic Musescore for Pixelbook/Chromebook Samuel Paul Jones 2 2 years ago
Forum topic Moving notes left/right VSKOs 1 2 years ago
Forum topic Sax to clarinet jassbone 8 2 years ago
Forum topic Converting my new piano piece to score jess57grant 4 2 years ago
Forum topic Convert a PDF file to a Musescore format tarleton 1 2 years ago
Forum topic The vertical adjustment settings goes back to default Jacob Simonsen 15 2 years ago
Issue Request for an option to Hide Staff except Lyrics, Chord symbols, Fretboard diagrams scorster 6 2 years ago
Forum topic How to put a vertical line between two notes tonxpix 13 2 years ago
Forum topic Grace notes mess up the note after it - the grace note itself plays properly Owlpar 15 2 years ago
Forum topic Font Weight 3uclid 2 2 years ago
Forum topic Lyric verse numbers not aligned jonarnold 4 2 years ago
Forum topic So I'd like to add a cello solo in the middle of an orchestral piece but I can't find any place where I can add a new stave for the instrument and also specify it is for a solo obrie_w 7 2 years ago
Forum topic Adding Tremelos travistravell 14 2 years ago