Recent changes

Type Title User Log
Wed, 16 January 2019
 (diff) (hist) 09:39 Handbook 3 Bracketsrevised geetar
Updated to 3.0.
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 (diff) (hist) 04:59 Book Compile instructions (macOS) - Gitrevised Riaan van Niekerk
clarify homebrew vs macports
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 (diff) (hist) 04:57 Book Compile instructions (macOS 10.10+) - Gitrevised Riaan van Niekerk
clarify homebrew vs macports
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Tue, 15 January 2019
 (diff) (hist) 19:48 Book Compile instructions (Windows - Visual Studio)moved Louis Cloete
 (diff) (hist) 19:43 Book Compile instructions (Windows - MSVC with Qt Creator)moved Louis Cloete
 (diff) (hist) 14:37 Book Developer group chatsmoved TheOtherJThistle
 (diff) (hist) 14:37 Book Developer group chatsmoved TheOtherJThistle
 (diff) (hist) 14:36 Book Developer group chatsmoved TheOtherJThistle
 (diff) (hist) 14:30 Book Developers' handbookrevised TheOtherJThistle
Remove telegram link in favour of link in Developer Group Chat page.
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 (diff) (hist) 12:44 Page MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 12:41 Page MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:27 Handbook 3 3.0 Handbook: outlinerevised geetar
Updated progress.
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 (diff) (hist) 12:24 Handbook 3 Bendsrevised geetar
Updated to 3.0.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:44 Handbook 3 Beamsrevised geetar
Updated to 3.0.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:34 Page Supportrevised
 (diff) (hist) 11:27 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 11:19 Handbook 3 Barlinesrevised geetar
Updated to 3.0.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:19 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 04:30 Book Handbook page creation form fieldsmoved Riaan van Niekerk
change non-translatable language to "not specified"
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 (diff) (hist) 03:03 Book Compile instructions (Windows - MSVC with Qt Creator)moved Jojo-Schmitz
Mon, 14 January 2019
 (diff) (hist) 23:49 Book Compile instructions (Windows - MSVC with Qt Creator)moved Louis Cloete
 (diff) (hist) 22:32 Page MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 22:31 Page MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 22:10 Handbook 3 Getting startedmoved neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 22:08 Handbook 3 Getting startedrevised neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 20:52 Landings page MuseScore for Choirrevised Lorraine Castelain
 (diff) (hist) 17:09 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 17:06 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 17:03 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 16:57 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved TheOtherJThistle
Wording improvements
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 (diff) (hist) 16:49 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 16:48 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 16:43 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Marc Sabatella
 (diff) (hist) 16:24 Handbook 3 3.0 Handbook: outlinerevised neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 15:56 Handbook 3 3.0 Handbook: outlinerevised Jojo-Schmitz
moved out of the outline so the PDF generator doesn't include it
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 (diff) (hist) 15:55 Handbook 3 New features in MuseScore 3revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 15:52 Page MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 15:51 Page MuseScore 3 Handbookmoved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 15:35 Handbook 3 3.0 Handbook: outlinerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:33 Handbook 3 Articulations and ornamentsrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:25 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:24 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:22 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:21 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:19 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:17 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 15:11 Handbook 3 Tablaturerevised geetar
Updated links and other corrections.
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 (diff) (hist) 15:08 Book Translation instructionsrevised Riaan van Niekerk
 (diff) (hist) 14:17 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved mattmcclinch
 (diff) (hist) 14:15 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.0.1 (January 15, 2019)moved Jojo-Schmitz
Copy of the revision from January 14, 2019 - 12:53pm.
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