Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Image properties closed 2 14 jaren
Deleting an instrument crashes the application closed 4 14 jaren
Preferences dialog - list of available languages closed 2 14 jaren
Multi measure rest at start hides time signature closed 2 14 jaren
Two voices on same tone - render bug when repositioning closed 4 13 jaren
Wave export does not take tempo and volume into account by design 3 14 jaren
Multi-voice unison note heads jump closed 2 14 jaren
Delete range of notes causes crash closed 3 14 jaren
(0.9.6 regression) Crash when clicking on measure Bar palette closed 2 14 jaren
Accidental obscured if noteheads are a second apart closed 3 14 jaren
Melisma sign at wrong place after measure insertion closed 5 14 jaren
File access errors (auto save and regular ctl+s saves) [r1940 Mac] closed 6 14 jaren
(0.9.6 regression) Cannot input line break in note entry mode closed 2 14 jaren
Unable to enter edit mode on a line when properties have been changed closed 5 14 jaren
Remove instrument, undo, remove instrument causes crash closed 2 14 jaren
Landscape layout preference has no effect closed 2 14 jaren
Drum note entry via mouse broken (0.9.6 regression) closed 1 14 jaren
Rehersal marks are hidden during multi measure rests closed 1 14 jaren
Slur does not affect playback closed 3 14 jaren
Removing instrument causes crash with demo score bach-bc2.mscx closed 2 14 jaren
Deleting measures at start completely confuses MuseScore, all measures become anacrusis closed 4 14 jaren
Part dynamics do not affect playback closed 4 14 jaren
mid output ignores tempo closed 4 14 jaren
Insert pickupbar after creating score. closed 2 14 jaren
(0.9.6 regression) Dots are not imported from MusicXML anymore closed 2 14 jaren