Feature to write out jumps and repeates (Linearization)
I (and maybe others) use jumps and repeates during "protoyping" of a song and after a while have to linearize the score before starting with the arrangement. This becomes necessary in larger arrangements, where struktural parts (Verses, Choruses, etc) are seldomly repeated exactly.
The core idea is simple:
A) Figure out repeated sections
B) Clone each repeated part at the end of the current score measure-by-measure, one repeated section at a time
C) Do a pass over the final result, removing all repeat markings (repeat barlines, seignos, codas, fines, etc).
D) Output everything in a new score
There is already an active pull request: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/4644
Fixed in branch master, commit 62e85582e9
_ Tool to unroll repeats. Fix #283592
As a by-product, also Fix ##100246_
Fixed in branch master, commit 09ef1d4f8f
_Merge pull request #4644 from velochy/linearize
Tool to unroll all repeats. Fix #283592_
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.