Merge 2 bar lines played by 2 different instruments

• Aug 29, 2016 - 14:26


how can I merge 2 bar lines in a single instrument score where these 2 bar lines are played by 2 instruments?
And after that it continues with the normal instrument.

In other words: My sheet is a drum sheet for a samba group and that place where I need to merge, let's say
one instrument is playing normaly but another one is joining for these particular bars.

Thanks for your help!


I guess you mean "staves", not "bar lines" (bar lines are the vertical lines between two measures/bars of music - they don't actually represent notes at all, but are more like punctuation).

It's still not totally clear what you are asking, but in general, if you have music in which you want two staves for a portion of the music but only one for a different version, create the score for two, enter all the notes, then use Style / General / Hide empty staves. Or, if you've already entered notes onto two staves but you want to move them onto just one, see Edit / Tools / Implode.

In reply to by aramsep

I still can't tell what you mean - I only see one instrument here.

Perhaps you are misunderstanding something basic - your score contains only one sttaff. You see what looks like three, but that's three *systems*, each containing one *staff*. The music on the second system is *not* meant to be played simultaneously with the music on the first - it comes *afterwards*. Notice the measure numbers - the first system is measures 7-10, the second is measure 11-14. But it's all the same staff; it just gets continued across two lines because of the line break. If you want to have a second staff that is played *simultaneously* with the first, you need to use Edit / Instruments to add one as I said before. You will then see two staves on *each* system. Then, after adding all the notes you want, use the "Hide empty staves" option I mentioned, which will make it so only those systems where both instruments are actually playing will use two staves, and the others will use only one.

In reply to by aramsep

Your picture still shows only a single instrument four measures on the first line, followedd by four on the next, etc. At no time do there ever appear to be two staves, so I am guessing you never added that second instrument. Hard to tell what you might be doung wrong from just a picture, though - better to attach the actual score.

Guys, I've got a hunch what he wants to do is add a second voice to the percussion staff for a few bars.

I just ran a test here on a conga staff (using 2.0.1) and found that it does not behave the same way as a standard pitched instrumental staff when attempting to enter a second voice. I had to exchange voices 1 and 2 in order to input a second voice; attempting to enter notes to voice 2 using the normal method did not work. Every time a new note was input with voice 2 lit up, the program shifted back to voice 1 and overwrote what was already there. In addition, the stems don't point properly and need to be adjusted manually. I don't know if this is by design (unpitched percussion staves maybe shouldn't contain more than one voice?), an oversight, or a bug in 2.0.1 that's been fixed for newer versions.

Attached is my test score, FWIW....

Attachment Size
perc_test.mscz 6.34 KB

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