
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Why is the 'Send Reward' button so hidden? Grimes Music 1 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic i'm confused _xXx_Pug_xXx_ 2 vor 6 Jahren
Issue MusicXML: xml file causes crash due to failed assertion Jojo-Schmitz 11 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic bars deleting Dog.love76 1 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Translation into Spanish of "scale" as a verb? fmiyara 13 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Some notes won't play if too many are playing at once. Hunter J 5 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic is in bielaruss for Belgium ??? frfancha 6 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Creating Pull Requests and Getting Them Accepted MrDrProfK 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Adding staff lines JoeAlders 18 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic volume being ignored andylear 7 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic exporting single instruments as midi files andylear 18 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Numerous problems with 2.2.1, back to 2.1 mecs99 8 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Corruption after copy pasting measure Magnus Penuliar 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Importing an xml file keeps crashing Musescore cKChoirboy 8 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Sprachliche Korrektur [DELETED] 19754571 8 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Content of some palettes disappears when the palettes width get reduced to its minimum tobik 13 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Embed musescore into wordpress Sensei LMS phtang 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Corruption on deleting invisible time signature Louis Cloete 9 vor 6 Jahren
Issue The "What links here" section in issues don't get updated anymore Jojo-Schmitz 11 vor 6 Jahren
Issue wrong scrolling of 2nd and subsequent pages when playing a multi-page score with vertical page layout mjtm 9 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic a minor suggestion for making it simple or less confusing to download sound fonts Adria Sorensen 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Cannot delete a score from my account Tonsetzer 1 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Editing copyright metadata GFord 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Vocal Staff Conversion notescribe 9 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Is there a tips and tricks forum? Shadon1nja 6 vor 6 Jahren