
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue On copy/paste measure(s) with slur(s) in score, the slur(s) get(s) lost in part Jojo-Schmitz 13 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Multi-Measure Repeats Yanb57479 4 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic If you never touched "Untitled," should MuseScore still ask you if you want to save it? mrobinson 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Add Key signature in the middle of a bar PoorFrog 7 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Add Kabyle language Jojo-Schmitz 6 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Plugin FindHarmony installieren Lachsspinat 3 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Marching tenors Mikachu123 9 vor 6 Jahren
Project Chord Chart Jojo-Schmitz 0 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic My FIle Error !! Help me faizfa4 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Page zoom setting Lee Batchelor 14 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Download Older versions Shoichi 6 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Add an ability to change ZValue (ZOrder) for objects rominf 7 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Can't change Issue Category (etc.) if text is not also entered geetar 2 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Some note beaming that I can't work out picoallen 6 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Joining scores via Album feature loses spacers in subsequent scores Jojo-Schmitz 4 vor 6 Jahren
Issue lupdate problems Jojo-Schmitz 5 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Playbacks ignoring repeats after a Da Capo fictionwriter95 4 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Fails to build with AEOLUS=ON yurivict 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Can Musescore import a pdf for transposing. geoffsct 1 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic slash notes james duke 2 vor 6 Jahren
Issue Missing short/long instrument name of the score has only one instrument and staff line Joachim Backes 2 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic MuseScoreNightly-2017-08-19-1918-master-ef25e60.7z crashes when switching to Jazz style on Win 10 SlyDr 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Notenzeilen verschiedene Eigenschaften zuweisen / Eigenschaften entkoppeln Faradin 3 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Instrument Numbers [DELETED] 15597716 1 vor 6 Jahren
Forum topic Better "bend" display MonktonSteve 20 vor 6 Jahren