
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic How to use 7zip? [DELETED] 26838334 35 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Help! My Musescore app is huge Marinebev 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic How do I indent the first staff in a piece? Elwin 7 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Start Center: "Getting started" score doesn't open when clicked geetar 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Remove lyrics annikagupu1 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Instrument choice impossible Papipio 7 vor 3 Jahren
Issue MusicXML export issues gsagostinho 16 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Loop playback won't stop rwkalen 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic How not to receive "Still interested in this score?" spams? musescore_king 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Underscore in file name BrunoCatt 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic playback issue - output tinkjt 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic MuseScore 3 doesn't play notes. Synthesizer is grayed out. MuseScore 2 works. gjurban 21 vor 3 Jahren
Issue hangs when last measure not full rocchio 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic How to add a rest above a note? Rizzieri 69 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Sound Issues paulosaurusa3 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Time estimates for whole pieces and selected sections dave2020X 6 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Parts in score are diferent then the full score orlygurarnald 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Time marker y.bli 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Ctrl+Shift+Tab shortcut gourgou 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Uploading a PDF Warren Roth 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Tuplet problem gullbra 3 vor 3 Jahren
Issue [Accessibility] Indicates the direction of the notes stems vlad-mus 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Accessibility problem for blind user saltinok 9 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic diatonischen Harmonika Tennisteacher 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic How to add system wide ritardando with dotted line Jim Kenith 8 vor 3 Jahren