
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue New Export dialog (pdfs etc.) has too many steps geetar 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Fretboard diagrams and chord symbols tim.drewitt 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Pause without a pause... Ali Wood 24 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Curly brace Shoichi 1 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Not working Staccato at partiture i'm working on paQ5 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic denied upload cxrolinapeaa 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Tablature: Wanting Immediate update of frets when I change note pitch in the synced staff scorster 7 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Opening a 2.3.2 score with problematic cross-staff notes causes a crash JohnJ1995 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Accord: changer d'instrument Midou24 8 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic SVG vector images scale up horizontally on import scorster 1 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Beam Distance doesn't seem correct after changing Font egonelbre 8 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Small clefs became big SLJK 11 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic TempoChanges Plugin Not Showing Up danZgalliwag 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic intervals inverses zevuzevq 9 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Strange sound TBC23 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Beams with subs don't continue over barlines msokol 5 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore "doesn't support this version of mscz files yet". Help? Musical Brit 48 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Changing width of a page causes a crash Adalbi Atskanov 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Slash notation-change rhythmic value? davidrestivo 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Musescore jumps 7 bars back instead of jumping to the beginning if articulation applied to all notes from Ctrl+A and undoing BetaBleeds 4 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Bug with repeat signs Elbie Harrison 15 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Exporting as a MIDI file adds .mid to the project's default export name neo-barock 4 vor 3 Jahren
Issue No sound with my external soundcard Mickael J-Faxe 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Remove bar numbers for a piece? and start a piece at, say, Bar 620 onwards weedavy69 12 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic SOLVED: Problem with skipped Voltas msokol 31 vor 3 Jahren