
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Tremolos with custom style appear to be default when opening score Mintsoda-15 5 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Add cross-staff notation across 3+ staves Luke Ehrke 3 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Palette search command (shortcut) not engaging when palette is floating worldwideweary 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Chord with ornament(s), engraving rule question hhpmusic 7 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Playback of offset-dynamics messed up in web-interface ? Massimo_73 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Musecore 3.0 jerome dempsey 3 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Palettes search box: clear closes geetar 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Export Arpicembalo 5 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Copyright how to klausnje 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Balkenende hasenfuss 14 vor 3 Jahren
Issue In "My posts", the "Mark as read" option doesn't work geetar 22 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Parts tabs - format title spojaw 10 vor 3 Jahren
Issue "Upload score audio" not working Mkyxcel Studios 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Hide staff in individual parts (not the score) tysonhamrick 5 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Dashed line style appears different in 3.6 compared to 3.5 geetar 1 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Guitar Tab numbers not showing when exported as SVG rorzmusic 16 vor 3 Jahren
Issue Ledger lines with staff type change Ginbu 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Writing scales - how to have no time signature, no barlines and even spacing [DELETED] 12906286 9 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Stimmenbeschriftung einschalten Anton Huber 7 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Playback of ties and slurs across repeat sign Pippy66 3 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore 3: Whenever I try to save one particular score, Musescore crashes Compositore 2 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Part Name, format spojaw 12 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic 3.5.1 Download page actually offer 3.5.2 pbalducci 5 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic no workspaces found zhouzhihao 10 vor 3 Jahren
Forum topic Nightlies - Broken vertical frame height adjustment worldwideweary 3 vor 3 Jahren