
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Broken French translation for Nightly dev build JLWaltener 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Every launch of the Windows Store version acts like it's the first launch dlkulp 16 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Is this the result I should get when using regroup rhythms? xavierjazz 10 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Patches list in txt or any other format alfredoyung 5 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic changing instrument Sary Mohammed 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore on Mac freezing often and for long solononsivedo 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Edit the sound of a note within MIDI to make playback more realistic. Schockwave 2 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Regroup rhythms glitch in cut time. xavierjazz 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Audio playback consistently stutters Eric P Szanto 16 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Assertion failure on adding instrument change in score with parts dmitrio95 16 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Tabs are OK in PC but numbers are inside squares in every tablet and cellphone unplug44 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Instrumentenname wiederherstellen? ChillySue 6 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Sporadic Crash when dragging a 'Brace' from palette to score using Bravura Tantacrul 13 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Connection 8th note triplets (Shuffle) with 1 horizontal bar Enrico Garcia 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Notendownload Fritz Scheiber 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Repeats J.D.1456 3 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Editing text in measure number doesn't work ecstrema 11 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic dotted ties/slurs briony 16 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Classical guitar notation tejjy 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Individual note panning and override note cut-off Nonchalantree 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Hairpins are being ignored? Mark West 3 9 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Channel changes not working (fixed) adamchess7347 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic comlicated metric stuff Vincento 4 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Mejoras Ariel Martín Bellio 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Nuevo Instrumento Amedu 3 vor 4 Jahren