play button is gray

• Mar 20, 2022 - 05:55

I cannot figure out what I hit to gray out the play button. The same thing happened yesterday.
Today, I tried to hook up midi and could click that icon, but I cannot turn it off now.
BTW, I can't get a sound with midi. My device doesn't show up in preferences I/O, but plays just fine in Logic Pro.


In reply to by edurbrow

Probably it wasn't something within MsueScore you hit, but something else you did on your computer - adding or removing device, starting a program that "stole" your audio input, etc.

EDIT: I see you are using JACK. I think also, playback is dsabled in that case if JACK isn't actually running.

In reply to by edurbrow

Your screenshot shows you had selected JACK in your I/O preferences, and if you aren't actually running JACK, that would indeed explain it. JACK doesn't in itself disable playback, but if you tell MsueScore you want to use JACK for playback, then you do indeed have to actually use it. JACK is a separate program you'd install to allow MuseScore (or any other program) to route its MIDI output to another program, like a DAW. So with JACK running, playback appears to "works" but you don't get any sound unless you actually connect a DAW or other program at the other end. If on the other hand JACK isn't running and you've told MuseScore to use it, then it isn't possible to play because the system you told MsueScore to use isn't available.

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