Playback not registering ties

• Feb 12, 2023 - 13:54

Using Musescore 4.0.1.
The playback will always ignore ties and play a note even if it is tied. Have tried restarting, reinstalling, etc. Happens in all scores in all cases. Properties tab knows it is a tie and not a slur.


In reply to by oMrSmith

Same for me now too. Here is what I originally did.
I created tied notes in measure 30. That tie worked. The one in 107 still did not. So I figured that something in between 30and 107 was the problem. So I started adding ties in measures 56, 89 94, and 97. Each time, the added ties worked but the one in 107 did not. I removed the dynamic in 102 and some other things that I don't remember for sure. Same result. Then I removed the a tempo and the 107 tie worked. I undid the removal and the tie did not work. I removed the a tempo again, and the tie worked.
So I must have done something else because just removing it now, indeed, does not work.

I think the point is that ties DO work in this score. But because it in an import from something else, there is something causing problems.

In reply to by bobjp

It's the "rit." in measure 92 you need to remove. It's actually a playing technique, but I can't see any way of determining what playing technique it's supposed to be within MuseScore. By unzipping the mscz file and looking at the xml I can see:

(BTW isn't there supposed to be an easy to way to put code in here - I had to convert all the < to &lt; manually!)

In reply to by Dylan Nicholson1

Backslash \ and the character in question -- < or > -- works for some characters. Will it work here?

Hunh! Well, it worked for the backslash itself, but not for the angle brackets. They displayed normally. So, after several tries in Preview the best I've found is ...

< PlayTechAnnotation > which displays it with spaces, not what you want in this case, but better than nothing. Hopefully someone will come along and point out what I'm doing wrong here.

[A few moments later] AHA! Try this <**PlaytechAnnotation**> displays:


So, put the boldface characters (two asterisks) before and after the text inside the angle brackets. To type the text two lines above, I had to include backslashes \ before each of the asterisks.

I was having problems with ties when playback, then I realized that I should use the S shortcut for Slur, when the notes are different, but I should use the shortcut T for ties, this is when the notes are the same.
This is also applies to chords. That solve my playback issues.

In reply to by rceballo

Yes, slurs and ties are different things that look similar (but not identical). It is important to use the correct one for the intended effect. A slur covering notes of the same pitch can be useful sometimes; to indicate a soft rearticulation of a note for example. However I don't think Musescore's playback handles such subtleties.

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