Add Lyrics to a pause

• Apr 18, 2016 - 09:23
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion


currently I need to add a second voice with invisible notes in order to add lyrics to a measure wich is completely paused (see // ). Is it possible to implement the feature to add text directely to paueses as well?

See: //



The problem is that for many (most?) use case, it's not practical to add lyrics to a rest. For example, MuseScore currently skips rests when pressing space while entering lyrics. If we allow lyrics on rest, how do we handle this case?

Also, you want to add lyrics to a full measure rest right? how would spacing work?

I see value in the request, thought for a different problem. If you have a system and in a part of it there are notes split between the staves, during lyrics input, as you type a dash do separate syllables, MS ignores the notes on the other stave an jumps to the next measure where there is a note on the same stave. See and try entering notes as on attachment.

Attachment Size
Yankee Dodle.png 37.57 KB

The same workaround would apply, but probably there is a better "real" solution. After all, those lyrics are *not* attached to rests - they are attached to the notes in the bottom staff. What is really needed is a way to have the lyrics still display in the middle. This can be done manually if you enter all the notes into the top staff and move some down using cross staff notation, then move the lyrics back up. Probably makes sense to consider having the lyrics stay in their default position when notes are moved using cross staff notation.

Agree that there are workarounds. But they all seem to me as "paper-cuts" - unnecessary hurdles for the end user. Also, with the workarounds you loose some of the automation niceties associated with lyrics input (melisma, elision, etc.)

The workaround of invisible notes in the top staff loses none of that automation, that's why it remains the best way to do this.

But a new feature that allowed lyrics to somehow be attached to lyrics would not really make this particular case any easier. You'd still need to somehow specify the duration of each lyric so it lined up correctly, which is basically the same as entering invisible notes. So that's just a workaround too, and not a better one. That particular case, as i said, is better handled through a totally different solution.

Status active fixed
Regression No
Workaround No

This was implemented on master a little while back. In any recent 3.0 build, just click a rest and press Ctrl+L.