Problema al abrir una partitura

• Apr 24, 2016 - 22:10
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

He creado una cancion y parece ser que el compas que he pedido yo: 3/2, no me lo ha marcado y al crear la partitura sin compás, cuando quiero abrir el archivo me da error. No me permite cambiar el compas general y si pongo un 3/4 la partitura se modifica y el final de ésta se elimina solo.
No se que puedo hacer para recuperar la creacion original que hice y volver a reproducirla en el musescore a su compas correspondiente


GIT commit: f51dc11


It sounds like you are having some sort of problem using MuseScore, but in order to help, we would need you to attach the specific score you are having problems with, and precise steps (in English preferably) to reproduce the problem. Also, in general, you should ask for help in the Support forum before using the bug reporting system - it is very likely whatever problem you are having is not really a bug at all= but just a misunderstanding.