Advanced notation

• May 6, 2016 - 07:49

I am interested in testing to engrave this examples in MuseScore.
We are evaluating the software and would like to know the limitations (=possibilities).
A question for advanced users and developers: if you look at these examples, are they possible in MuseScore?


It'd be easier and better to attch them here rather than using dropbox. Also mention or mark what aspect exyctly you are concerned about.

In reply to by edizioneo

If you press "Z", the Symbols palette displays, which contains a large variety of symbols taken from the standardized Bravura font, and it includes a search box to help you find what you are looing for. If the symbol you need is in this font, you can insert it easily. If not, it is presumably an extremely rare symbol and you'd have to create it yourself in a graphics editor then import it into your score as a PNG or SVG file. or, if you think it is common enough that most notation programs should support it, you can contact the developer of the Bravura font to request the symbol be added.

Most of these symbols are fixed size, though. Hopefully they would have been designed to allow them to be placed end to end to create longer versions. If not, and you need symbols a different size or need them to be resizable, that would have to be built into MuseScore itself. The odd-looking wavy line is not a standard symbol right now, so you'd need to file a feature request to have it added (and include exampels from published scores to help establish the need for the feature). Same with the line ending in an arrow, although in that case at least I believe there may have already been requests for this and I think the need for it is clearer.

Everything else in that image looks doable - custom text for the start of lines, text with circles, stemless notes, parentheses, dashed slurs, etc. The beam extending past the end of the beamed groups might require some manual editing to get (add another note, shorten the stem, hide the notehead). There has been a request for "stemlets" that could possibly address this more directly.

I have problem with tuplets. I am not sure how to create 8-note tuplets that would be equally spaced:
shot 2.png

Similar example:

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