[1.1] Measure no. vert. pos. not effective (REGRESSION)

• Jul 22, 2011 - 10:27
S4 - Minor

Setup: SVN rev. 4569; Qt Lib 4.7.3; Win XP

1) Open or create any score with more than 1 system (to have some measure number; entering notes is not necessary)
2) Menu "Style... | Edit text style...", tab "Measure number"
3) Enter a value other than 0.0 in "Y:"
4) Save and reload

Result: Vertical position of measure numbers does not change.

Note: The setting value entered in step 3) IS saved and reloaded: re-open the text style dlg box after step 4) to check. So, the value is properly stored in the internal data, but it is not used for actual laying out.




Status (old) closed active

However, if I enter .2 in the Y box, save & reload, then enter 0, save & reload, the position of the measure number on the second system doesn't return to its proper location. It is sitting centered over the top measure line of the second system. All of the other parameters in the Measure Number dialog haven't changed.

This doesn't happen for the X parameter.

Also tested under 1.0. The vertical shift (down) Y difference of 0.2 between 1.0 and 1.1 is substantial. Under 1.0 it drops about a pixel (very small), and returns properly when set to 0. Under 1.1 it shifts down so it is bisected by the top measure line, but never returns when set to 0.

Note: tested under 1.1 R4568 and 1.0 R3996.

Y setting at .2
Y setting now at 0

Attachment Size
y1.png 7.31 KB
y2.png 5.91 KB