Truly invisible parts for playback

• Aug 13, 2011 - 18:01
S5 - Suggestion

When writing an arrangement for jazz band, it is common for rhythm section parts (guitar, piano, bass, drums) to not be fully notated, but to use slashes to allow the player to provide his own accompaniment. For playback purposes, it is helpful to provide a sample part, but it would be nice to have way to make this completely invisible - so that it doesn't affect spacing (horizontal or vertical) or otherwise leave any evidence of its presence.

Right now, I typically create my playback parts using a separate staff. So one mechanism would be a staff attribute "Hide" that marked the staff to not be printed, with a global setting somewhere to control whether they are displayed on screen (you want displayed while editing them, obviously).

Another possibility would be to use a voice for the playback and to mark that voice invisible, and that's currently doable to some extent, but pretty cumbersome, having to hide notes, stems, and rests separately. Plus it affects horizontal spacing.


I support this request very much! It would be a great help in telling musescore how to sound articulations and ornaments as well. Think of a 4/4 trill on a note with ledger lines. This will expand e.g. to 32 32nds with so much ledger lines you cannot hide and elongating the measure to the manyfold. But having the notation measure (voice) shadowed with a playing measure (voice) that is hidden and ignored by layout would play the trick. Not only in this case but many many others where people cannot agree on the correct performance (grace notes, etc.). Needless to say that the presence of a playing measure (voice) must inhibit the playing of the notation measure (voice).

There is something already in the trunk. You can select if a instrument is visible or not in the the Instrument list dialog (Press i). It's not yet complete but a start.

I did a git fetch and build, and what I see is that checking marking a staff invisible makes it disappear from the score, but a big empty hole is left behind. Is that the intended behavior? If so, it doesn't really address the issue, except in as much as I can move invisible staves to the bottom of the score order where the "hole" won't be as noticeable.

It's also possible I am not using "git" correctly and was not building from the latest sources. I did a "git clone" of the main repository a while back, now I do "git fetch" from the same when I want to get updates. No?

Of course, the goal is not to have a big hole ;)

git fetch is not enough. If you have a fork of MuseScore named "origin" and the main repo as "upstream" you need to run

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream master

So, the hole I see using my build *does* reflect the status quo, but there is some hope that eventually it will go away?

As for "git", I never created a fork. My understanding is that this is necessary only once one got closer to the point of wanting to make changes. And that absent a fork, no merge is needed. I cloned directly form the master repository, and that's also where I've been fetching from.

you still need to merge if you just fetch, or you can directly pull.

git pull origin master


git fetch origin
git merge origin/master