Restore session fails on multi-part scores
Steps to reproduce bug
1. Open a multi-part score (such as the bach-bc demo)
2. Switch to the tab for Trumpet
3. Add a note (or make some sort of change), and leave on the trumpet tab for at least 3 minutes (for auto-save to capture)
4. Force quit MuseScore (or "End Process" on Windows) to simulate a crash
5. Restart MuseScore
6. When MuseScore asks to "Restore previous session", click "Yes"
Expected behavior: Restore session should restore the full score
Actual behavior: Restore session loses the whole score (except for one instrument part)
MuseScore version: r. 5407 nightly
(Operating System: Windows 7)
Is your revision number right (the latest is 5497), or are you stating the one in which the problem first appears?
Is it limited to multi-part scores? I can seem to produce if I do this:
1. Open score.
2. Change something that will cause an impending save (e.g. note).
3. Force Quit.
4. Open 'MuseScore'.
5. 'Yes' to 'Restore this session?'.
Result: Nothing appears.
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5497) - Mac 10.7.3.
I questioned the function a few months ago (link ).
What do you think about this ? Is it perhaps related?
Sorry chen lung, you are correct about the revision number, I tested using r. 5497. I don't know which revision number this bug first appeared in. I just noticed it yesterday.
Regarding your steps in comment #1 above, it is important to wait 2 or 3 minutes between your step 2 and step 3. For an explanation see
I can't reproduce c9c9076b4b
FWIW, I *was* able to reproduce this last night. Worked just like David said; I recovered my part but not the full score.
Worth further investigation, I guess.
Fixed in 662cf873ad
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.