Textless Glissando

• Apr 26, 2012 - 22:59
S5 - Suggestion

Like the text versions, they can appear squiggly and straight. They also appear before and after notes.

Attached image taken from the explanation section of a song book (Credit: International Music Publications).

Attachment Size
Textless Glissando.png 63.09 KB


You can already indicated this in 1.1. Take a horizontal line from "Lines", double-click and adjust the ends. Add a slur if you wish. Right-click and choose to make slur dotted. Add "sl" or "slide" if you want a textual indicator.

Attachment Size
Temp_Slide.mscz 1.79 KB

Thanks underquark.

Do you think we should have this as a standalone function that can make this easier and quicker?

I'm also thinking about MusicXML.

I tried creating a short piece using many of the ornaments existing in 1.1, exported to MusicXML and back again and they don't export so I would think that the effort to create quick access to a vast array of new ornaments and make them able to export to MusicXML is laudable but the huge effort involved might detract from efforts to continue improving the functionality of the program as a whole. Now, if a better MusicXML format could be made (without going the super-bloated way of webpages) then MuscScore and all other programs could use it.

1.2 wasn't available last time I looked (ubuntu 10.04, AMD64). 1.1 works OK so I haven't checked lately, though, and I'm not in a rush to upgrade to ubuntu 12.04 until the dust settles as it has just been released. Similarly, not much point in building MuseScore from source if I do decide to go for ubuntu 12.04 sometime soon. I figured, though, that what was there 1.1 will mostly have been retained.

Yes, but it says "failed to build" for AMD64 in lucid (ubuntu 10.04). Given that precise pangolin (ubuntu 12.04) has just come out (I'm downloading it now) I'll probably go for a Spring-clean of my system, install 12.04 and then leap to MuseScore 2.0. For the purposes of this - and similar - threads what can already be done in 1.1 can probably be done in the others.

Ah, yes it does. And you can change the text but the text won't show if the word(s) are too long for the line. It won't export the text (or lack of it) to MusicXML, just as a generic gliss.

I note that some ornaments etc. exist in MuseScore but either don't exist in MusicXML or lose a lot in the translation, as they say. I think the reverse is true (I see, for instance, an "ouvert" in MuseScore but not in MusicXML). I'll have a look to see if I can find a table of MusicXML words/attributes and compare it with those that exist in MuseScore and then see how many discrepancies I can find.