If zoom decreases, tenutos are not displayed (v1.2.5470)

• Apr 28, 2012 - 02:18
S4 - Minor

Ref: http://musescore.org/en/node/4592
With the default zoom the tenuto are not visible.


Could be a screen resolution issue - screens don't have as good a resolution as printed output, consequently at certain levels of zoom some small score elements may disappear because there is insufficient resolution to display them. They are still there, just invisible on the screen.

The trunk Chen is referring to is version 2.0, which is currently in constant development for release later this year.

It is inherently unstable, but can be previewed or tested by downloading one of the nightly builds:-

The development team is focussing their efforts on version 2.0, there will be no more bugfix releases for version 1.x

You can therefore see id this problem is still there in one of the nightlies - my guess is that it will be because it is a screen resolution issue rather than a code issue.

While it might be triggered by certain combinations of screen resolutions and zoom settings, I'd still suggest that MuseScore could be more aware of this when it scales think horizontal lines like tenuto marks, rendering them thick enough to be visible. it reallys seems they are literally being dispayed not at all. Evem a single pIxel wide horizontal line wold normally visible, I'd have thought. Unless other software is already being smart enough to artificially thicken such lines.

BTW, It's only tenuto marks I ever see this with, but presumably there might also be some threshold at which voltas or pedal markings or other lones might dsappear on some systems in cases?

I tested both of your suggestions. I tried various screen resolutions (1280x80, 1280x720, 1024x768, 800x600) for both MS v1.2.5470 and v2.0.5599.

1) Using v1.2.5470, I'm able to see the tenutos at some magnifications (150% to 1600%, inclusive) at all screen resolutions. I'm not able to see any tenutos at some magnifications (25% to 100%, inclusive) at ANY screen resolution.

2) Using v2.0.5599, I'm able to see the tenutos at all magnifications (25% to 1600%, inclusive) at all screen resolutions. (Granted, the tenuto at 25% and 1280x800 was nothing more than a smudge on the screen. LOL)

An observation I made is that the tenutos appear to be thicker, vertically speaking, than the lines of the staves. Furthermore, the upper and lower edges of the tenutos are crisper than the lines of the staves.

Based on these test results, I suggest that the problem is with the page magnification, not the screen resolution.

However, since it works properly in v2.0.5599, I would agree if you choose to close this bug report, noting that it's fixed in the next version. The workaround for the current version is, of course, to display the score at 150% or greater.

Status (old) active fixed

Thank you for the complete investigation. I put this issue on fixed since it's fixed for next version.