Instrument change on existing stave (works) but name isn't change in the instruments overview from menu

• Feb 2, 2017 - 19:29
Reported version
S4 - Minor
by design

The change of the instrument of a existing stave can be done the usual wa and works fine.
But if I then call the Instruments from the menu to add a further instrument I cann still see
the old names unchanged. This is a bit confusing.
Maybe this problem is language version related: I use a German Version.


Can you please attach the score you are having trouble with and precise steps to reproduce the problem?

It sounds liek you are expecting a change to the existing staves in your score to affect something about staves you haven't added yet. That does not happen, nor should it.

That is normal for MuseScore. If you do a mid staff instrument change, the instrument list will still have the first definition of the instrument in it rather than some random definition made later in the score.

The place all the instrument changes can be found it the mixer. If you change from Oboe, to English horn and back to Oboe the mixer will list all 3, the instrument list will say Oboe the entire time.

Hello, thanks for your responses,

Here is my problem in more detailed description:

1. I import a midi file of a classical piece.
2. After importing I get staves that are named:

- Piano, Flaute
- Piano, Oboe
- Piano, Clarinetto in B
- Piano, Corno in F

and so on.

So I guess because the instrument names are italian Musescore just takes
the piano as the default instrument which is OK for me I think.
The problem is not so much that it does import the instruments in the
way it does (I know I can change them by hand and that's OK )

3. Now I change these names as I described in the usual way to it's German
equivalent name:

- Flöte
- Oboe
- B Klarinette
- F Horn

which works as I said.

4. But then when I want to change the positions of the staves I still
have the old names of 2. above. (using Edit/Instruments ... )
This might be acceptable as long as the names are identical (but in diff. languages)
but if I set a different intrument's name, that must deinitely be confusing.
There might be good other reasons, which I don't see at the moment to keep the
old names but then at least it should be possible to change the names by hand.
(but this isn't so at the moment)

5. I know that Musescore is intendet as a pure music notation program and not so
much as a music writing program for composers but I'm intending to use it more
as the latter. (E.g. changing instruments and listening to the result using
the try and error method )
A big compliment to you all for this really great piece of software which help's
me do many things I couldn't do before and I'm so happy with it.

6. I added a Testmidi-file

Attachment Size
Testmid.mid 381 bytes

I think the problem is the way you change the instrument name. If you right click the staff and select staff properties the window has options to change the part name, press a button to change instruments, long name and short name. When I have received files with foreign instrument names, I change the instrument and everything goes to normal. The instrument list is correct and playback is normal also. This is the only way to change instrument names in the instrument list.

Thanks to mike320 I checked out what the reason could be and found out the following:

I have to change not only the instruments name but also the partname !
After changing the partname this is taken over to staffs information menu.
So I know what I have to do to make it work !
Thank's a lot !