system plugins vs. personal plugins

• Jul 10, 2012 - 16:07
S4 - Minor
by design

In 1.2 with plugins of the same filename, the ones in the personal directory took precedence over the one in the system directory.
So if I had e.g. notenames.js in %ProgramFiles%\MuseScore\Plugins and in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\MusE\MuseScore\plugins, the later was used and outruled the earlier.

With the new 2.0 qml plugins it seems to be the other way round. Can he have the old behavoir back?


All plugins in the global and personal directory are presented in "preferences". You choose what plugin will be active. You can even activate plugins with the same name.
Whats the problem?

Status (old) active by design

But if I activate 2 plugins with the same name, the system one is taken, this is different to 1.2.
Then again, I can just disable it (which is new in 2.0), so I guess I better rest my case ;-)

Assuming this is by design...

BTW: I really dislike having to restart MuseScore for the plugins to get (de)activated, can't that be done without a restart?