Musescore wiped my file

• Apr 9, 2017 - 03:38
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

I saved a score I was working on and minimized the program. Opened up the window again the next day and the score had been closed and a blank "My First Score" file was in its place. Tried to open the file I had been working on, and when I opened it it was entirely blank aside from the title. Four days' worth of work, gone. No idea what caused it; the program didn't even crash as far as I could tell. I had even closed and reopened the file previously with the work intact, so it wasn't simply a matter of forgetting to save.

GIT commit: 6347ed6


If you saved your score, then it exists somewhere on your system. When you tried to open it the next day, you must have opened a different copy of it - perhaps in a different folder from the one it was in when you saved it. So, use your OS's search capabilities to search your system for MSCZ files saved within the last couple of days and you should be able to find it. If nothing else, you can also use the backup copy created the previous time you opened it. See for more on that.

If that doesn't solve your problem, please ask for further assistance in the Support form - it is the better place for questions on using MuseScore.