Clef change creates artifacts on chord duration differences across staves

• Jul 8, 2013 - 11:10
S2 - Critical

Context commit 1f5b2451d (2013-06-08) self-compiled under Linux Mint, Qt Lib 4.8.3.

1) Load the attached sample score test_clef_change_1 (top score in screen shot below): all clefs are OK
2) Load the attached sample score test_clef_change_2 (bottom score in screen shot below):

The clef changes in the second staff are misplaced and extra bar lines are created (note the wrong order of segments in the debugger window, referring to measure 1 and 2 of the 2nd staff):


The issue pops up during score reading.

The difference between the examples is that example 2 changes clefs in the second staff and, between the previous chord and the clef, the first staff has more chords, but the clef changes are placed right after the last chord of 2nd staff without 'skipping' the additional chord segments in the 1st staff.

If the staves are reversed (as in example 1), the clef changes in the 1st staff are also placed after the previous chord, which however happens to span the additional chord in the 2nd staff.

A fix is being worked on.

Attachment Size
test_clef_change_1.mscx 14.07 KB
test_clef_change_2.mscx 13.91 KB


Status (old) active fixed

I don't remember a specific fix, but me too I cannot reproduce it any longer; either there has been a fix I don't remember or it got fixed during some other changes. As I use clef changes rather extensively, I suspect I would have kept hitting this bug.

I'm closing the issue as fixed, feel free to re-open it if you do not think this to be true.

