D Clarinet info wrong in instruments.xml

• Sep 13, 2013 - 01:06
S5 - Suggestion

GIT commit: a2b136c

In instruments.xml, the listing for instrument id "d-clarinet" is incorrect - it duplicates the info for "clarinet" (which is actually a Bb clarinet). Thus we get two entries for "clarinet" in the instrument list - one actually a Bb clarinet (correct), the other actually a D clarinet (incorrect).


I changed the name of the id "d-clarinet" to "D Clarinet". If I understood the problem correctly, then it's fixed. If not, please explain again :)

Not quite. The long & short name fix how it appears in score, but we need to update "description" to make sure it shows correctly in instrument list. And then presumably also update musicXMLid.

I'm home today and can make this change myself. I just need to look up more info about the format of the musicxmlid tag.

EDIT: I take some of that back, I was still running an older build. But I still suspect we need to update the musicxmlid and am looking into that.

In fact the instrument list parser looks for the TrackName tag and uses that if there is one, and then goes on to use the Description tag if there isn't one.

Unfortunately TrackName tags are yet to be implemented in most of the instrument list - if anyone feels motivated to rectify that, please feel free :)

Hmm, I don't see a TrackName tag for bb-clarinet, and yet the instrument list does not appear to use the description tag, unless it's programmed to ignore stuff in parentheses.

Ah - mea culpa - Lasconic changed it to read the Long Instrument name instead of the description tag.

The idea of the description tag is to have some means whereby the user can call it up to gain more info about an instrument.

We have not yet established a means of doing that :(

Tooltips were suggested but it was felt that there may be too much information to present that way.

Incidentally <musicXMLid> is correct - there is no D Clarinet defined in their sounds list.

My understanding is that "eventually" we want to use the musicXMLid tags to help recognize an instrument on import from MusicXML. It seems to me that if a MusicXML file contains a reference to wind.reed.clarinet, it should only match the generic clarinet, not the D clarinet. So perhaps we should simply not have a musicXMLid tag for D clarinet?

I just submitted a pull request where I used wind.reed.clarinet.d on the theory that if/when MusicXML decided to add support, we'll be ready, and since we apparently don't use the tag right now, there's no harm in anticipating this. I could amend it to remove the tag. Or are we not worrying about that sort of duplication, and consciously allowing truly different instruments to share the same musicXMLid tag?

The thing is Marc that it is a two way thing MusicXML sound ids will be exported in XML export as well as import.

If we start exporting non-existent tags then there will be implications on MuseScore.

If you want to change MusicXML omissions lobby MakeMusic (yes they've swallowed up Rcordare apparently).