Redundant Beam

• Aug 14, 2017 - 14:51
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Redundant beam appears for the reason I don’t know, if I delete note G4, Voice 2, at Bar 15 beat 2.75 stave1, this beam can be then deleted.
Similar situation happened before a few times, not only for the hidden notes, or 1/16th notes.

Attachment Size
3-04 Humoresque Bar 15-16.png 131.22 KB
3-04 Humoresque.mscz 50.25 KB


Severity S4 - Minor S3 - Major
Reported version 2.2 2.1
Status (old) patch (code needs review) needs info
Status needs info

Smells like a corruption to me, how did you manage to get there?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The way to get there:
0. Delete all notes in bar 15;
1. Enter in this bar eight 16th notes, and a grace note for the last note, by default they are voice 1;
2. Untick “play” for the grace note and the ones before and after, three notes are then muted;
3. Enter voice 2 into the bar, as the newer attached pngs. Once the last 16th is entered, the redundant appears.

This happened before not only following these steps, which I forget. Sorry.
And now it’s 12:38am in Sydney, good night!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I made it work with OP's score, but I couldn't make it happen from scratch. I added hidden staves, put the measure with the extra beam as the last on the system, made it the second system in the score with no duplication. I've only previously seen this in the last measure of a system where the beam shows up in the first. hmmm.......

0. "Shift+i" to show all invisibles;
1. Delete title and composer;
2. “i” to remove two pianos;
3. “Ctrl+Del” to delete all the bars in front and behind bar 15 of violin, the redundant is still there, right hand down, as attached;
4. Save score and reopen;
5. It’s gone. Good game to be continued to play …

(Refresh screen display with above steps 0-3 dose not get rid of the redundant.)

Attachment Size
3-04_Humoresque only one bar left.png 291.76 KB
Severity S3 - Major S4 - Minor
Status (old) active duplicate
Status active fixed

This beam is displaying because you have notes in voice 2 at the end of bar 23 (!) that are set to "middle of beam" and they are trying to extend the beam back to the previous note in that voice, which is bar 15. Set those notes back to Auto and the glitch disappears.

Of course, setting those notes to middle of beam should have created a beam all the way back to bar 15. Not that you'd have wanted that, but that would have been the correct behavior given your beam settings. But you weren't seeing that because of #16278: Beaming notes over barlines and line breaks.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Just a thought, there is no way to tell the current beam setting without adding additional notes or rests. Perhaps there should be some sort of feedback in the inspector (similar to note heads). I'm not sure if this is already planned for version 3 or not. What do you think?

Well,, there is one way: Open the Beams palette, then select the note, now the beam palette will show the type.
But agreed, this should better (additionaly) be in the Inspector.
And no, so far that is not in 3.0

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I just tested this with various notes. I realize it only works if you have changed the beaming. It doesn't show if auto is in effect or what the default beaming would be for the specific note.

edit: I continued testing and see that the current beaming is only shown if you use the palette. It does not show this in a custom workspace.

In reply to by Xianyue賢越

After further testing, if these beams are set to auto, they jump when the rest is deleted. If the three notes have beam set to start, middle, middle, the beam does not jump. The "beam" on the rest does not affect the behavior.

In reply to by mike320

More programming fun now, with this score, go to the second line from the end, i.e. Status showing bar number 125, click highlight top treble measure, and on palettes click beam “auto”. You should see the captured.

I was thinking to post there on #16278, and then found the tile there was “crossing bar beam” which diffs from this. Have fun.

This is something different indeed. The problem here is that by selecting the entire measure, that is including the rests that are present in voice 1 (the actual notes are in voice 2, for whatever reason). So you are actually setting the beaming for the rests to auto as well. Don't do that, this has the effect of trying to beam across the rests. Instead, since you don't really want to include the rests in the beaming, use the Inspector to limit the selection to just the Notes within the region (or use right click, Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection). Or, better yet, move your notes to voice 1.

It's a similar issue, the beam belongs to the two eighths at the end of bar 45. Because the first of these was set to "middle of beam" for some reason, MuseScore is trying to connect it to the preceding eighths in that voice, which are the ones in bar 11.

No, but elements of the chord (noteheads, stem) moved separately via the elements offset, rather than the chord as a whole for the chord offset

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Sure, just remove the erroneous Note adjustments and make them to the Choed instead.

And as mentioned, in the future if you have questions, please ask for help by starting new threads in the Support forum rather than adding replies to closed issues.