Play always starts in the wrong place

• Feb 9, 2014 - 22:59
S4 - Minor

I'd like to play measure 16 of the attached score. I tried to click in measure 16. I can even press the forward and back arrows and see the notes in measure 16 play one by one. But when I press the play button it always starts in measure 9.

I was under the impression that if I click in a measure or select a note, then when I press play, it would start playing at that note.


Attachment Size
Sonata in E Minor (book 1).mscz 5.16 KB


If there are repeats this is likely in 1.3. If it hasn't been fixed in the nightly yet (I wouldn't know) then try unchecking the 'use repeats' button so that repeats are ignored.

I can confirm that playback starts in bar 9 in this score, and unlike in 1.3 where that usually only happens once but then fixes itself, it keeps happening over and over in the current builds with this score. But like 1.3, the problem does go away when you turn off repeats.

Was this score created in this same build, or was it created in an older build? If the latter, can you reproduce this in a score created from scratch in a current build?

> Was this score created in this same build, or was it created in an older build?

I created the score from scratch in the current build. I.e., I created in the build against which I reported the bug.

When i turn off repeats, it then ignores the volta. It plays through the 1st ending, directly into the second ending (ignoring the repeat sign at the end of the first ending).