MIDI Input Errors

• Aug 22, 2017 - 00:38
Reported version
Graphical (UI)

I have a USB MIDI Keyboard I use while composing for this software. I often find that when trying to input notes with it, it often doesn't recognize that a key is being pushed, or that the cursor does not move and I end up with a cluster of notes on one beat. Is there a possible solution for this? Let me know if you have any questions that may assist you in finding an answer. Thank you!


Generally, this would mean you are trying to enter a second note before releasing the first, or that your keyboard is failing to sned the correct "note off" messages when you do release the key.

In order to help further, we would need you to attach a score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. In the future, it is best to ask for help in the Support forum first, and only submit a bug report once a problem has been confirmed to be a bug in the software.

I have this exact problem too. When using MIDI input, I press N and no input happens when I press a key on the MIDI keyboard. I need to use the mouse to enter a note, and then MIDI input works, but then the input doesn't advance to the next note as it did in previous versions. If I use the on screen keyboard it advances as I'm used to with my MIDI keyboard.

I have attached an animated gif showing that the cursor advances when I click on the on-screen keyboard with the mouse, but not when I use the MIDI keyboard for input.


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2017-08-25_21-06-10.gif 365.28 KB

See my previous reply. It seems your keyboard is in some mode where for whatever it is not transmitting proper note off events. Consult the documentation for the keyboard to see if there is a setting to return it to standard MIDI behavior.