Crash on changing time signature in part

• Feb 19, 2014 - 03:17
S2 - Critical

Windows 7, GIT commit: 1b1f704

1) open attached score (nothing special, just two staves with some notes)
2) file / parts
3) new all
4) OK
5) view first part
6) drag 3/4 time signature to score

Result: crash

Attachment Size
part-meter-crash.mscz 1.4 KB


This is probably related to #24073: Insert measure in score with part and without title fails.
Indeed, if you add a title before step 2) with:
- Add > Text > Title and type something
after the final step the score does not crash.

Windows 8.1, commit 151ce0c

The time signature is updated in both parts, but when switching to the root score tab, it still displays 4/4. By forcing a refresh, for example by double-clicking an element, the root score is updated to 3/4.

@Marc: can you try with the latest commit?
I can't reproduce the crash with "style-override.mscx" both under Windows 8.1 and under Linux Mint 13 with commit 151ce0c38 (both self-compiled, both debug release).

Notes: in this case, the root score is updated to 3/4 without forcing a refresh as for the other file.

Edit: Ok. I managed to reproduce the crash. It happens when the new time signature is dropped onto a measure different from the first.

Attached the log of address sanitizer for the crash when dropping the time signature change onto the second measure (no crash if the score has a title and the time sig is dropped onto the first measure in the part).

The crash in this case happens at line 325 of libmscore/staff.cpp
timesigs[timesig->segment()->tick()] = timesig;

Attachment Size
crash_time_sig_parts.txt 4.33 KB

Great, thanks for the clarification & investigation. Sorry my initial instructions were less specific, but in that case, I *did* check that it didn't matter which measure you dropped onto.

One other thing I should have made clear: the problem only occurs if you are viewing a part, as opposed to the score, when you make the change.

I know this is a bit of a cop-out, but FWIW, I wouldn't be opposed to simply disallowing any change of time signature (including actual duration, or split/join) while viewing a part as opposed to while viewing the score. My rationale is the same as when I proposed we disallow deleting / inserting measures: I think it's too easy to forget any change made to the basic time structure of a part will also affect the score and all other parts.

Fixing the bug would be fine too of course :-).