Clicking after drum sounds

• May 2, 2014 - 00:09
S5 - Suggestion

Basically, when playing back some drum sounds such as snare and bass drum, an odd clicking sound is heard. This is also heard on exported audio files. Sample attached.

Can this be fixed? If so how? Thanks!

Attachment Size
drum_clicking_test.mscz 2.28 KB


Version 1.3 of Musescore, OS is Windows 7, Soundfont should be what the program came with; is there any way to check or confirm this?

I attempted to download the file from what you mentioned to compare, but it said my version of Musescore is "too old", yet I have 1.3! Any ideas there?

Status (old) needs info closed

I'm not sure what file you mean, but this issue tracker is basically only for reporting issues with the "development version" - the code still in development that will eventually become 2.0. Bugs in 1.3 are not reported here unless they can be reproduced in the development version as well, because 1.3 will receive no further fixes.

I hear the clicks you mention in 1.3, but not in the development version, so I am marking this issue "closed" - it is already fixed in the code.