Incorrect accidentals displayed after microtonal accidental

• Jun 18, 2014 - 04:16
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu Studio 14.04, GIT commit: b6b4c0f

See for background.

Steps to reproduce:

1) new score for flute
2) in first measure, enter G Up G G to enter three G#'s
3) click second G
4) apply microtonal accidental

Result: sharp sign does not appear on the third G

This was the case in 1.3 - the rationale being that microtonal accidentals were "display only" and thus did not affect accidental state. So the third G is played as G#. But a human musician would not play the third G as G# - he would play it the same as the second. Since MuseScore plays the second as a G natural, it should display an explicit sharp on the third, exactly as if you had actually applied a natural instead of a microtonal accidental on the second.

Code was added to support this in the fix for #22205: Cannot apply non-standard accidental to a note that is modified by another accidental, but it was disabled (#if 0). After confirming with daeavelwyn that this would be the desired 2.0 behavior even though it represents a change from 1.3, and also wanting more consistent behavior for #25285: Adding courtesy accidental not reflected in linked score/parts and #26446: Incorrect accidentals displayed after up/down of linked note with courtesy or microtonal accidental, I believe we should go ahead and enable this code.
