Horizontal offset has no effect in Staff Name Text Style

• Aug 26, 2014 - 10:58
S4 - Minor

1. Load attached score.
2. Right click Staff name
3. Select Text Style
4. Enter value into horizontal offset
5. OK
6. Reload score

Expected result: Staff name has moved either left or right depending on positive or negative offset value
Actual Result: No change to the staff name position

Staff name position has to be adjusted from the Inspector

Windows 8.1Pro
MuseScore 2 Beta commit b833826


But *just* for instrument names, right? Text styles are indeed not as fully supported for them as for other text elements - both in terms of position & alignment but also in that changes don't apply until a reload.

Yes. To be clear, as far as I know, most of the style settings for instrument names do work but only after reload, however, the positioning / alignment options basically don't work at all.

I just wanted to make sure the issue you are seeing is for instrument names only - in which case it's a known (I guess) limitation of that element type specifically. As opposed to a general problem with horizontal offsets not working at all anywhere.

Title Horizontal offset has no effect in Text Style Horizontal offset has no effect in Staff Name Text Style

TBH the only reason I spotted it was because of a non-standard name which required the text to be centred instead of left aligned.

Just done a little more testing.

It just seems to be Staff Names that behave like this.

Amending the title accordingly