Figured bass above the staff

• Dec 7, 2020 - 23:39

I've done everything I can think of changing the style of Figured bass but no matter the negative number I put in the Vertical position...from top of staff it remains below the staff. Is there a way to change it?


I would never presume to know more about how MuseScore works than you do. But fresh pair of eyes reading the instructions lead me to believe that figured bass could be set above the staff. Never mind that a keyboard player might be confused by this. However the diagrams indicated spaces below the top of the staff. While the text seems to mention above the staff.
It seems to me that in order to get it above the staff, then there must be some trickery involved. Not a surprise.

Since Figured bass doesn't seem to be playable in MS, you could push the symbols down close to the staff below, making the symbol appropriate, of course. And drag the symbol above the staff for the first line.

All of which you already know.

In reply to by bobjp

Right on all counts concerning MuseScore. I was trying to set the default position for a score to above the staff. At the moment I'm planning on getting all of them entered then use the inspector to move them all at once. There is no S by the offset in the inspector. This seemed to give acceptable results as a workaround. I was hoping someone like @BSG would have a trick that I don't know about this.

The reason negative offsets don't work on their own is autoplace sees it as a collision. But, simply set the Minimum distance to -999 or some such in the Inspector and hit Set as style, now your offset will work.

In reply to by mike320

With minimum distance set to -999, any element will happily collide with anything. But with min distance at it's default, figured bass does avoid beams and everything else. At least, in my scores. If you have one where it doesn't, feel free to attach it so we can investigate.

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