Selecting note or rest in one window repositions other window as well if viewing same score

• Oct 28, 2014 - 02:31
S4 - Minor

In 1.3, it was possible simultaneously to view one section of a score in one window while editing a different section of it in the other window. Since Beta 1, that's no longer possible; the two windows move in lockstep with each other.


The move happens upon selection of a note or rest, which triggers setPlayPos, which in turns sets off the chain reaction of events that results in adjustCanvasPos getting called for all scoreviews. It's hard (for me) to trace because of the the "emit posChanged" that occurs within Score::setPos(), but I guess that is triggering each scoreview to respond.

If I had to guess, I'd say this is probably being done so that during actual playback, all scoreviews follow the score. But it need not be done otherwise. Not sure how to best implement that.

Title Can't edit one place and view another in Stacked or Side-by-Side View of same score Selecting note or rest in one window repositions other window as well if viewing same score