Changing drumset changes layout

• Dec 30, 2014 - 06:28
S4 - Minor

1. Open attached score (produced in 2.0 beta 2).
2. Right-click first bar.
3. 'Edit Drumset…'.
4. Change to attached drumset.
5. 'OK'.

Result: The layout changes.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 38ceee4 - Mac 10.7.5.


What about this are you thinking is a bug? The orginal drumset required ledger lines, the replacement does not. So of course that alters layout, in a positive way. Is there something else you are seeing that I am missing? Could you be more specific?

It could be considered a bug that a ledger line was needed in the first place, or that it is drawn below the note. But it's also the case that the combination of staff and drum set definition doesn't really make sense. I'm not sure we really support non-standard staff line spacing - see #19197: Non-5-line drumset stave lines incorrectly positioned, which shows the same thing.

I marked as duplicate not to loose the attached score. Anyway, I'm collecting all these old scores and the create a separate issue.