Score ceated with "Save Selection..." crashes MuseScore if the selection didn't contain the top instrument
- take any existing score with more than one instrument
- Select a (range of) measure(s), not including the top instrument
- "Save Selection...", give a name, OK
- open the file just created
Expected result: Only the selection is in the new file
Actual result: crash
Debug output:
Fatal: ASSERT failure in QList::at: "index out of range", file C:/Qt/5.4/mingw491_32/include/QtCore/qlist.h, line 478 (:0, )
Prior to that a couple
Debug: Score::readStaff(): missing measure! (C...\MuseScore\libmscore\scorefile.cpp:305, void Ms::Score::readStaff(Ms::XmlReader&))
Can't get a proper stack trace.
I can't reproduce the crash. Could be that dcb974e324 fixed it.
In any case, Save Selection is far from perfect. There is no key/clef/time signature in the resulting file....
I can't either. Let's mark it fixed then.
Guess we should open a new issue for the 'Save Selection' shortcomings?
BTW: a treble clef is there (even if the selection was written in bass clef ) and the measure properties show the correct time sig, nominal and actual, even for irregular measures.
Keysig is missing, but pitches are kept (and accidentals added as needed), so it isn't too bad.
Hmm, if the selected measure is not in 4/4 (nominal), sanity check complains "Expected 4/4; Found 6/4" (here in a 3/2 sime sig). Loading anyway and a 4/4 score shows, but indeed corrupt...
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.